Friday, 22 June 2012

208: The worst strip in the Galaxy...

Okay deep breath it’s only been like two weeks….yeesh…


Bato loco has his own strip now he started off as a bit character in a dredd strip and managed to get his own strip. A similar fate would happen to two more of Gordon Rennies characters but I am sure we’ll talk about them in the future.

Carlito Argarra is known as Bato loco the crazy guy. He is trying to make creds but continues to face up to the might of the mobs and the judges but this issue faces his most dangerous foe. His girlfriend who may be even crazier than he is!

A fun series which will return and I welcome it….which is a nice segue way into the reason this entry has been postponed so much…

Now before I say this I like David Bishop. He has written wonderful things in particular the Nikolai Dante Novels which I am rereading for my too cool to kill series for Everything comes back to 2000ad he contributed to the dredd audios from big finish which should be re-released for the movie and he wrote thrill power overload which I have gushed about in the past. Heck I even like some of his more maligned strips from the past Straitjacket fits was fun, had no place in the Meg but it was fun!

This however…oh god this…

The editorial spins Repomex as a new strip they are proud to present and wish for people to let them know if they wish to see more…

Kind of stinks of desperation as if they knew they had a clunker but decided to slip it in anyway.

Anyway let’s try to talk about this strip. So there’s this hotel and a bellhop is seduced by a sex-mech but it turns out he is being set up as he is led into a hotel room and is then attacked by criminals. Turns out the sex-mech is some kind of bounty hunter and something?

And it ends with the bellhop being forced into being a repomex which is apparently the worst job in the galaxy?

I am sorry I really do not like this story. If I was still doing videos this would merit a daily hate of its own it’s that bad…

I am just glad it’s over I mean there won’t be a strip in the future worse than this right?

Err right?

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