Friday, 22 June 2012

208: The worst strip in the Galaxy...

Okay deep breath it’s only been like two weeks….yeesh…


Bato loco has his own strip now he started off as a bit character in a dredd strip and managed to get his own strip. A similar fate would happen to two more of Gordon Rennies characters but I am sure we’ll talk about them in the future.

Carlito Argarra is known as Bato loco the crazy guy. He is trying to make creds but continues to face up to the might of the mobs and the judges but this issue faces his most dangerous foe. His girlfriend who may be even crazier than he is!

A fun series which will return and I welcome it….which is a nice segue way into the reason this entry has been postponed so much…

Now before I say this I like David Bishop. He has written wonderful things in particular the Nikolai Dante Novels which I am rereading for my too cool to kill series for Everything comes back to 2000ad he contributed to the dredd audios from big finish which should be re-released for the movie and he wrote thrill power overload which I have gushed about in the past. Heck I even like some of his more maligned strips from the past Straitjacket fits was fun, had no place in the Meg but it was fun!

This however…oh god this…

The editorial spins Repomex as a new strip they are proud to present and wish for people to let them know if they wish to see more…

Kind of stinks of desperation as if they knew they had a clunker but decided to slip it in anyway.

Anyway let’s try to talk about this strip. So there’s this hotel and a bellhop is seduced by a sex-mech but it turns out he is being set up as he is led into a hotel room and is then attacked by criminals. Turns out the sex-mech is some kind of bounty hunter and something?

And it ends with the bellhop being forced into being a repomex which is apparently the worst job in the galaxy?

I am sorry I really do not like this story. If I was still doing videos this would merit a daily hate of its own it’s that bad…

I am just glad it’s over I mean there won’t be a strip in the future worse than this right?

Err right?

Wednesday, 20 June 2012


This new entry is taking much longer to write than expected...sorry

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

1354: Slime to die!

 Note: Next meg entry has been pushed to friday due to insanity leaked brainage due to a certain strip...I hoped to battle said insanity with a decent strip...but....


Bec and Kawl take the cover which means I by blog law need to write again about them. So yeah theres this shit which is basically wicker man except Bec is being sacrificed to a slug god and some shit...

Kawl is teamed with a vaguely offensive french stereotype bug killer and they plan to do battle with the slug god and save bec and the noodles in my head are exploding nuse!

whooop niiidhh ooosppfjhhso oooruiuhsdfjldf



Monday, 11 June 2012

1353: Collared and Cuffed

Strontium dog returns and this time Johnny Alpha and Wulf stern hammer have a very unwelcome tag along on their attempt to claim the bounty of the sinister unrighteous brothers.

Meet Orville P Paxman the taxman. He is on Johnnys ass for unpaid taxes which stretch back as far as the bounty hunters Starlord days and he will go to any means necessary to collect those taxes…to the point of handcuffing himself to Alpha and swallowing the key.

So now Alpha hunts evil villains with a damn taxman strapped to his wrist. Hilarity and much death and explosions ensue…

Also want to see what happens to Jack Bauer when he finally snapped…

Then you can by winning Phone Booth in this prog!

Next time: Bato loco and possibly the worst strip in the megs history…and that’s saying something…

Friday, 8 June 2012

1350: Resolving That Cliffhanger!

It’s a relaunch prog again and three double sized stories start off in this prog. The Dredd story and strontium dog will be covered in future installments but today we are looking at the return of Slaine!

Previously on Slaine the evil demon moloch was given clemency by the council and then proceeds to backstab them by raping and killing Slaines wife Niamph. Slaine is understandably pissed and decides to dump the comedy sidekick ukko and go after the evil bastard on his own. They fight and the two end up spiraling off a cliff to a certain fiery doom…

So how does Slaine get out of this cliffhanger….he sticks his axe into the cliff the kicks the hell out of Moloch and feeds him to an elder god…

But not before getting plot from the demon and then he heads off into his new quest to stop a second invasion of the fomorians.

Proper Pat Mills mentalness in this story and while the out of the cliffhanger is a bit…lame the story itself is great and I look forward to experiencing this story again.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

207: Femme Fatale

What a lovely pulpy cover for this issue heralding a new story from the wonderful John Wagner in which justice department orders a full shakedown on an entire block. A crime ridden hellhole. The story focuses on various inhabitants of the block trying their hardest to remove incriminating evidence before the judges barge in.

Oh and the angel of death is stalking the same block. Oola blint is a recurring villian who is a nice person who genuinely believes that killing people is a good thing. Allowing them to pass on away from the madness of the mega city. The episode in this issue actually ends with Dredd ending up inside the same elevator as her and her long suffering husband Homer…

Also Ending this issue however is Family a superhero story with no real heroes. Instead its more like the godfather except the two families have powers. It is a fine story when read all in one. However two major issues let this tale down in its original printed run.

The first is the tale is badly wounded due to the monthly run of the meg. If this story ran in the prog it would be much easier to follow weekly instead of monthly. The other problem is Simon Frasers art. No I am not going to rag on him again. I feel bad enough as it is with my first Too cool to kill entry which ragged on him.

No it’s the mash of no colour plus characters wearing similar suits and hats fighting each other is the problem of this story. If this was in colour and in a weekly comic this would be an instant classic. As it is now its just good and that’s a shame…

Monday, 4 June 2012

1343: Alien Nation

So earth is a penal colony for alien convicts…who knew?

This is interceptor one of those stories which show up from time to time which tells a complete story. It is the story of a former combat Lyra Darius who worked in a hospital on a very bizarre day. First off a gunshot victim is brought in and hands her a strange orb. Suddenly she sees the world as it is.

She barely has time to absorb this new info when an old granny and a Japanese girl in a sailor uniform try to kill her. They are aliens working for a mysterious being who wants the orb for himself.

She phones her boyfriend who tells her to come over to him and…he is an alien and the big bad to boot. She is saved by two agents and well things get even odder after that.


Very weird story…